As part of the Salaterre project, Emmy Horstkamp and Storey Tarris UK have decided to collage a book into a creative non-fiction memoir about the morning.
A photograph is a thousand words so a one hundred page collage is one hundred thousand words. The artist and writer are extracting the words from the collages and the poems.
The book series is called Collaged Life and begins with a book that is complete collage titled River Boat Life. River Boat Life: Collaged by Storey Tarris (Collaged Life) is a collaged book that transforms over the months into a book that is word based.
as new collages are added to the series along with the words taken from the Storeyean poems, new books are published.
The new collages replace the old collages and will be their own book at the end of the series.
The book is currently only in Kindle form.