Storeyean Poetry / Mislaids Caught / By Emmy Horstkamp / January 9, 2024 / SE 7

8 - Men walking regarding together vacant wated used up worn-outs.
7 - Aloud they say too little too late
6 - Meager parade of incapables showing airs.
5 - All striding heeding nothing caught.
4 - Missing glances, richocheted glimpses.
3.- Elsewhere, looke elsewhere.
2 - Minds - not.
1 - off -
2 - Removed reasoning
3 - Incomplete memories reloaded.
4 - Excusable wrongs pondered instead.
5 - Stone-cold ferocity pitched/heaved everywhere.
6 - Outside set considdered shaken looking unglued.
7 - Unwavering rejection a repulsive cold shoulder smack.
8 - Tapered off savagery, no hardsies rejected by mislaids.
by Emmy Horstkamp 9/1/2024 SE7
photograph of poetry –