Storeyean Poetry / Mislaids Caught / By Emmy Horstkamp / January 9, 2024 / SE 7

8 - Men walking regarding together vacant wated used up worn-outs.
7 - Aloud they say too little too late
6 - Meager parade of incapables showing airs.
5 - All striding heeding nothing caught.
4 - Missing glances, richocheted glimpses.
3.- Elsewhere, looke elsewhere.
2 - Minds - not.
1 - off -
2 - Removed reasoning
3 - Incomplete memories reloaded.
4 - Excusable wrongs pondered instead.
5 - Stone-cold ferocity pitched/heaved everywhere.
6 - Outside set considdered shaken looking unglued.
7 - Unwavering rejection a repulsive cold shoulder smack.
8 - Tapered off savagery, no hardsies rejected by mislaids.
by Emmy Horstkamp 9/1/2024 SE7
photograph of poetry –

Storyean / Infinite / Emmy Horstkamp / January 8, 2024 / SE7

8 - Every single thing today is new to normals
7 - Vivid recollections, retained through mind's eye impression
6 - Entire orbits existing, stretching years - linking
5 - Run to fallout range.
4 - Yield, circuit limit scaled.
3 - Total sweep measured.
2 - Humdinger shattered.
1 - Infinite...
2 - No Joke
3 - Grandness gaudiness smash-up.
4 - complete defacement goal accomplished.
5 - Limitless zaps zapped; zappers waste-of-space.
6 - Absolute extinquishment of interest and certainty.
7 - Straight out savage men - monstrous and barbaric.
8 - Scattered signals expressing contemptible thoughts of the second-rates.

Poem by Emmy Horstkamp8/1/2024 - 7 years of torture
Poem Collection – Seven years of torture by Emmy Horstkamp

Storeyeab / Labels, Leaving / By Emmy Horstkamp / January 7, 2024 / SE7

8 - Super off-peak ticket valid for the direct train.
7 - Salient stop for the day is printed : CBY
6 - Urgency discarded. Sunday crowd is accidental.
5 - Paramount for the day - nothing.
4 - Extensive. Endeavers never seen;
3 - Relevant. Reactions require
2 - Labels. Leaving -
1 - Material
2 - Pressing on
3 - or not, OK?
4 - Rubric on the board.
5 - Testing yardstick for anybody looking.
6 - Accessing probing thought without an inquest.
7 - Nameless eyes gazing at personas, temporary stand-ins
8 - Token day - A non carbon copy verification is negated.

by Emmy Horstkamp 7/1/2024 SE7


Poem| Something Dark Fades | Emmy Horstkamp | 2024 | January 2 | SE7

8 - Imply something as morning darkness echo fades.
7 - No longer seeing speculations - glass showing everyday.
6 - Nagging tug at my eyes, eye-sight.
5 - object-orientated, your selfish desire stopped,
4- Narrated life, abandoned detente 
3 - Obligation eradicated full-stop 
2 - Naïveté tortured.
1 -  nave-me 
2 - Obedient, racketed,
43 - tete a tete 
3- Yakkety-Yak yap at, 
5 - Obsessed circle of observable axis,
6- udometer set like film covered…adulterated.
7- Radial distance set at world somewhere far.
8- Something implied. Now work days forever passing for existence. 

Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/24 SE7  Poetry Project by Storey Tarris UK