Storeyeab / Labels, Leaving / By Emmy Horstkamp / January 7, 2024 / SE7

8 - Super off-peak ticket valid for the direct train.
7 - Salient stop for the day is printed : CBY
6 - Urgency discarded. Sunday crowd is accidental.
5 - Paramount for the day - nothing.
4 - Extensive. Endeavers never seen;
3 - Relevant. Reactions require
2 - Labels. Leaving -
1 - Material
2 - Pressing on
3 - or not, OK?
4 - Rubric on the board.
5 - Testing yardstick for anybody looking.
6 - Accessing probing thought without an inquest.
7 - Nameless eyes gazing at personas, temporary stand-ins
8 - Token day - A non carbon copy verification is negated.

by Emmy Horstkamp 7/1/2024 SE7
